Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Beginnings of Beautifying the Bathroom

I'm posting early because I'm pretty sure I won't have time this weekend. Okay ... back to remodeling ... So the next project is the guest bathroom. As you can see in the picture here, the cabinets are dark and dated - definitely a relic from the early 1970s. Since our budget is tight, I have to see what I can do with some paint and a little creativity. Luckily, the we changed bathroom when we moved in, so flooring is not an issue. But, the cabinets and sinks are going to be too pricy to switch out, so I thought, "what if I antiqued the cabinets in some way?"
Well, I did, and they look great! I used a taupe color on the cabinets first. On the doors and drawers, I then used a crackle finish on top of that. Once the crackle finish dried, I used an antique white paint on top. They now have a nice worn look. I was able to reuse the gold and white ceramic door and drawer handles by spray painting them (several coats) with an "antique bronze" color, which matched the existing door hinges perfectly.They'll look even better once we paint the walls the colors we want and replace the light and towel fixtures.

Can't wait! Stay tuned for August's installment!
Have a fun and safe July 4th weekend!